diafygi.github.io/webrtc-ipsProvides user control over WebRTC privacy settings in Chromium, in order to prevent WebRTC leaks. Download: Chrome. For Firefox users, you can do this through browser settings. Test for WebRTC leaks, with browserleaks.com/webrtc
- Homepage: diafygi.github.io/webrtc-ips
- GitHub: github.com/aghorler/WebRTC-Leak-Prevent
- Web info: web-check.xyz/results/diafygi.github.io
WebRTC-Leak-Prevent Source Code
Prevent WebRTC leaks in Chromium browsers.
01 Aug 15
Last Updated
27 Mar 24
Latest version
Primary Language
57 KB
Language Usage
Star History
Recent Commits
Aaron Horler (09 May 18)
Push up version for new release
Aaron Horler (09 May 18)
Completely remove the save button
Aaron Horler (15 Apr 18)
New version released in Chrome Web Store
Aaron Horler (11 Apr 18)
Automatic option saving, removal of all HTM4, and minor formatting changes. This commit makes no functional change, but will be released.
Aaron Horler (03 Jan 18)
Update year in copyright notice
Aaron Horler (28 Nov 17)
Update date of release.
Aaron Horler (27 Nov 17)
Remove references to "Chrome" to comply with Opera requirements. Opera doesn't like developers mentioning Chrome.
Aaron Horler (27 Nov 17)
Change browser action name to "Open options".
Aaron Horler (27 Nov 17)
Increment version number
Aaron Horler (27 Nov 17)
Use labels for input and select elements
Aaron Horler (27 Nov 17)
Bind open options functionality to toolbar icon, other minor fixes. To address #7 , primarily.
Aaron Horler (03 Sept 17)
Merge pull request #6 from hack-r/master Increased friendliness of one FAQ answer ;)
Jason Miller (02 Sept 17)
Increased friendliness of one FAQ answer ;)
Aaron Horler (02 Apr 17)
Fixed horizontal rules -- to ---
Aaron Horler (16 Mar 17)
Markdown fix.
Aaron Horler (10 Feb 17)
Added a section on testing for leaks. Linked to the original test by diafygi, and explained how to interpret the results.
Aaron Horler (10 Feb 17)
Included screenshot for Incognito protection
Aaron Horler (08 Feb 17)
New release
Aaron Horler (08 Feb 17)
New description This will also be changed in release 1.0.11.
Aaron Horler (08 Feb 17)
Open options on install. This will be the only change in 1.0.11.
Aaron Horler (20 Jan 17)
Added proper hierarchy to headings.
Aaron Horler (10 Jan 17)
Link update This old link worked, but redirected to the current.
Aaron Horler (10 Jan 17)
Minor formatting and word alerations
Aaron Horler (15 Nov 16)
Username change, new version.
Aaron Horler (15 Nov 16)
Username change, minor edits
rentamob (10 Nov 16)
New version
rentamob (10 Nov 16)
More minor changes
rentamob (10 Nov 16)
Very minor
rentamob (08 Nov 16)
Added license properly.
rentamob (07 Nov 16)
Legacy fixes and minor clean-up. (For 1.0.9).
WebRTC-Leak-Prevent Website
Redirects to https://diafygi.github.io/webrtc-ips/
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diafygi.github.io was found on 0 blacklists
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WebRTC-Leak-Prevent Reviews
More Browser Extensions
Firefox Multi-Account Containers lets you keep parts of your online life separated into color-coded tabs that preserve your privacy. Cookies are separated by container, allowing you to use the web with multiple identities or accounts simultaneously. Download: Firefox
Enables the First Party isolation preference (Clicking the Fishbowl icon temporarily disables it) Download: Firefox
Emulates remote frameworks (e.g. jQuery, Bootstrap, Angular) and delivers them as local resource. Prevents unnecessary 3rd party requests to tracking CDNs Download: Firefox
Spoofs browser's User-Agent string, making it appear that you are on a different device, browser and version to what you are actually using. This alone does very little for privacy, but combined with other tools, can allow you to keep your fingerprint changing, and feed fake info to sites tracking you. Some websites show different content, depending on your user agent. Download: Chrome - Firefox - Edge - Opera - Source
Simplified HTTPS upgrades for Firefox (lightweight alternative to HTTPS-Everywhere) Download: Firefox
Displays a country flag depicting the location of the current website's server, which can be useful to know at a glance. Click icon for more tools such as site safety checks, whois, validation etc Download: Firefox
Helps protect web searchers from surveillance and data-profiling, through creating meaningless noise and obfuscation, outlined in their whitepaper. Controversial whether or not this is a good approach Download: Firefox - Source
Notifies you when visiting a known or potential phishing site, and detects suspicious JavaScript (including skimmers and miners). Also provides a simple rating for a given site's legitimacy and security. Great for less technical users. Netcraft also has a handy online tool: Site Report for checking what any given website is running. Download: Chrome \ Firefox \ Opera \ Edge
NOTE On modern browsers, this is no longer needed Forces sites to load in HTTPS, in order to encrypt your communications with websites, making your browsing more secure (Similar to Smart HTTPS). Note this functionality is now included by default in most modern browsers. Download: Chrome
About the Data: WebRTC-Leak-Prevent
You can access WebRTC-Leak-Prevent's data programmatically via our API.
Simply make a GET
request to:
The REST API is free, no-auth and CORS-enabled. To learn more, view the Swagger Docs or read the API Usage Guide.
About the Data
Beyond the user-submitted YAML you see above, we also augment each listing with additional data dynamically fetched from several sources. To learn more about where the rest of data included in this page comes from, and how it is computed, see the About the Data section of our About page.
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