github.com/martijnvanbrummelen/nwipe Cross-platformC-based secure light-weight disk eraser, operated through the easy-to-use CLI or a GUI interface.
- Homepage: github.com/martijnvanbrummelen/nwipe
- GitHub: github.com/martijnvanbrummelen/nwipe
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nwipe Source Code
nwipe secure disk eraser
06 Sept 13
Last Updated
27 Mar 24
Latest version
Primary Language
9,407 KB
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Star History
Top Contributors
@PartialVolume (706)
@martijnvanbrummelen (70)
@ggruber (22)
@abeverley (14)
@infrastation (7)
@DimitriPapadopoulos (7)
@Firminator (7)
@Legogizmo (6)
@andreasheil (5)
@louib (5)
@vuntz (4)
@xambroz (3)
@aytey (2)
@charles-dyfis-net (2)
@dmshaw (2)
@sporqist (1)
@ndowens (1)
@nbassler (1)
@NoNameForMee (1)
@kelderek (1)
Recent Commits
PartialVolume (26 Mar 24)
Merge pull request #562 from Knogle/master Fixed memory leak in line 328, writing 1 byte beyond allocated memory.
PartialVolume (26 Mar 24)
Merge pull request #561 from PartialVolume/Update_pdf_with_xoro_and_fibonacci_prngs Update PDF code with new PRNGs
PartialVolume (26 Mar 24)
Update PDF code with new PRNGs Updated pdf to recognise XORshiro256 and lagged Fibonacci PRNGs.
Fabian Druschke (26 Mar 24)
Fixed memory leak in line 328, writing 1 byte beyond allocated memory.
PartialVolume (22 Mar 24)
Merge pull request #558 from Knogle/master Renamed N and M to MT_STATE_SIZE and MT_MIDDLE_WORD due to const naming of mt19937ar-cok.h, causing conflicts with SHA-512 HMAC's libssl.
PartialVolume (21 Mar 24)
Update gui.c with correct number of prngs
PartialVolume (21 Mar 24)
Merge pull request #555 from Knogle/xoroshiro256 Implement XORoshiro-256 PRNG for Enhanced Random Number Generation Efficiency
PartialVolume (21 Mar 24)
Fix formatting in gui.c
PartialVolume (21 Mar 24)
Fix a couple of formatting issues in prng.c
PartialVolume (21 Mar 24)
Merge branch 'master' into xoroshiro256
Fabian Druschke (21 Mar 24)
Renamed N and M to MT_STATE_SIZE and MT_MIDDLE_WORD due to const naming of mt19937ar-cok.h, causing conflicts with SHA-512 HMAC's libssl.
PartialVolume (21 Mar 24)
Merge pull request #556 from Knogle/fibonacci Implemented Lagged Fibonacci generator PRNG providing high-speed, medium-quality numbers.
Fabian Druschke (21 Mar 24)
Fixed stray / inside of options.c
Fabian Druschke (21 Mar 24)
Fixed leftovers from XORoshiro-256, fixed missing PRNG option in options.c
Fabian Druschke (20 Mar 24)
Fixed formatting
Fabian Druschke (20 Mar 24)
Implemented Substract-and-Carry, now offering high-quality output.
Fabian Druschke (20 Mar 24)
Removed leftover references to AES-CTR, not belonging here.
Fabian Druschke (20 Mar 24)
Implemented Lagged Fibonacci generator PRNG providing high-speed, medium-security numbers.
Fabian Druschke (19 Mar 24)
Fixed src/temperature.c formatting
Fabian Druschke (19 Mar 24)
Rebased branch, fixed conflicts. Now Xoroshiro-256 in standalone branch
PartialVolume (20 Feb 24)
Update README.md
PartialVolume (20 Feb 24)
Merge pull request #549 from PartialVolume/Bump_version_to_0.36 Bump version to 0.36
PartialVolume (20 Feb 24)
Updated CHANGELOG.md
PartialVolume (20 Feb 24)
Bump to v0.36
PartialVolume (17 Feb 24)
Merge pull request #548 from PartialVolume/Fix_some_strcpy_warnings_for_Debian Fix some strcpy compiler warnings
PartialVolume (17 Feb 24)
Fix some strcpy compiler warnings Replace three strcpy commands with strncpy, bump minor version ready for more testing.
PartialVolume (15 Feb 24)
Merge pull request #546 from PartialVolume/Determine_block_sizes_before_hidden_sector_detection Populates device block size before hidden sector
PartialVolume (15 Feb 24)
Populates device block size before hidden sector Now populates the block size (physical) before the hidden sector determination function runs. The naming of block/sector can be very confusing in nwipe. So I have created a device_phy_sector_size in the drive context, so we have ->device_sector_size // logical sector size ->device_phys_sector_size // physical sector size ->device_block_size // Usually the same as logical size but could be increased by nwipe to encompass multiple logical sectors, i.e a block of sectors
PartialVolume (15 Feb 24)
Update version.c Bump minor version from 0.35.6 to 0.35.7
PartialVolume (03 Feb 24)
Merge pull request #543 from PartialVolume/Fix_incorrect_HS_status_for_4096_sectors_as_reported_by_libata Fix hidden sector detection for logical 4096 size
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nwipe Reviews
More Data Erasers
Allows you to completely remove sensitive data from your hard drive by overwriting it several times with carefully selected patterns.
Easy to use, but with some advanced features, including custom wipe patterns. Data Sanitation Methods: AFSSI-5020, DoD 5220.22-M, and Random Data.
Microsoft Secure Delete is a CLI utility, uses DoD 5220.22-M.
File, folder and drive portable eraser for Windows. Bundled with other tools to scan, analyze, and wipe, and other traces that were left behind. Includes context menu item, recycle bin integration.
Darik's Boot and Nuke ("DBAN") is a self-contained boot disk that securely wipes the hard disks of most computers. DBAN will automatically and completely delete the contents of any hard disk that it can detect, which makes it an appropriate utility for bulk or emergency data destruction. DBAN is the free edition of Blanco, which is an enterprise tool designed for legal compliance.
Not Open Source -
A CLI utility that can be used to securely delete files and devices, to make them extremely difficult to recover.
CLI utility for securely removing files, directories and whole disks, works on Linux, BSD and MacOS.
Proprietary, closed-source suite of forensic data tools for mobile. The data eraser allows for both Android and iOS to be fully wiped, through connecting them to a PC.
Not Open Source
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